The Dirt: A Blog.

Potato School Coming December 13

Register Now for: POTATO SCHOOLTuesday, December 13, Register online: It is FREE and will be a VIRTUAL ONLINE EVENT.Come join us for a robust day of learning and discussion. We have an excellent line-up of speakers planned. Here is who you will hear and what you will learn: Dr. Gary Secor, North Dakota State […]

Published in SpudSmart: Why Paul is Guilt-free About Doubling his Yield with Soil Fumigation

This week we are sharing the final article in the 3-part series published in SpudSmart titled, “Why Paul is Guilt-free About Doubling his Yield with Soil Fumigation”. You can access the most recent article here: or read on! PART III: Why Paul is Guilt-free About Doubling his Yield with Soil Fumigation Over the last […]

Published in SpudSmart: As Promised Here’s How Paul Doubled His Yield

Last week we shared the first article in a 3-part series published in SpudSmart titled, “Ontario Potato Farmer Notches 100% Yield Increase”. This week we are sharing the second article in the 3-part series published in SpudSmart titled, “As Promised Here’s How Paul Doubled His Yield”. You can access the article here: or read […]

Published in SpudSmart: Ontario Potato Farmer Notches 100% Yield Increase

Recently, SpudSmart published the first article in a 3-part series titled, “Ontario Potato Farmer Notches 100% Yield Increase”. You can access the article here: or read on! PART I: Ontario Potato Farmer Notches 100% Yield Increase Four years ago at a farm show, I happened to cross paths with a long-time, forward-thinking potato grower […]


I’ve been busy writing up some of the great work being done to support farmers with disease suppression, yield increases, and soil health restoration. Read on for more information that we hope will be useful on your farm… What’s Biting into Your Farm’s Economic and Environmental Sustainability? In this article, I discuss the hidden yield […]

Potato School 2021: Presentations Available on Demand

We held Potato School 2021 this past December and it was a big success. Over 100 people from around the world attended this one-day all virtual event featuring expert guest speakers, key information on potato diseases, and practical advice for growing a more sustainable potato crop. The agenda included: ​Gary Secor, North Dakota State University […]

Improve Sustainable Potato Production with Strike

Improving sustainable potato production is an admirable goal for the potato industry.  The basic concept of sustainable crop production is to produce an economically viable crop while maintaining or improving soil health and reducing the potential environmental impacts of farming.  As farmers have long known, there is a link between the economic and environmental sustainability of the […]

A Crisp Autumn Morning

Sustainability is something that takes time to appreciate. Sustainability is part of wisdom. You believe that the gifts the land provides your family are not a given. Your grandfather used to say, “Take care of the soil and it will take care of you”.