Do You Know (And Appreciate) the Hidden Heroes Beneath Our Feet?

It has been a couple months since I last posted, but one of our recent articles on is garnering a lot of views. People are curious about soil and soil health. I’m a soil guy myself: I am fascinated by the life that exists below our feet, and how we can promote and support […]

A top read Spud Smart article on verticillium wilt management

Back in May, Spud Smart published an article I wrote on verticillium management and it has been one of our most read articles so far this year. I hope you find it useful. Trapped in a Circular Discussion on Verticillium Management I just stepped out of a meeting between several university agronomy faculty members and […]

Up to 68% of Potato Seed Could be Infected With Verticillium

In this second segment of our blog aimed at potato seed growers, let me throw a shocking finding at you: A recent scientific research paper stated that up to 68% of all seed potatoes sold in the Pacific Northwest are infected with verticillium. If you are one of the very lucky few who don’t currently […]

Could Strike be Part of the Solution for Potato Wart?

Potato Wart was discovered in the United States in Pennsylvania in 1918, and then later in Maryland and West Virginia. It was eradicated in 1994 and has not been detected since. But for our neighbors to the north and around the world, certain regions wrestle and worry about this disease that can lead to the destruction […]


I’ve been busy writing up some of the great work being done to support farmers with disease suppression, yield increases, and soil health restoration. Read on for more information that we hope will be useful on your farm… What’s Biting into Your Farm’s Economic and Environmental Sustainability? In this article, I discuss the hidden yield […]

Improve Sustainable Potato Production with Strike

Improving sustainable potato production is an admirable goal for the potato industry.  The basic concept of sustainable crop production is to produce an economically viable crop while maintaining or improving soil health and reducing the potential environmental impacts of farming.  As farmers have long known, there is a link between the economic and environmental sustainability of the […]

Soil Health, Cover Crops, and Strike: How These Related Concepts Impact Your Operation

Soil Health is a relatively new phrase in agriculture that describes the important role soil plays in the long-term sustainability of crop land. Soil health involves a productive balance of soil chemistry (nutrients), soil physics (structure), and soil biology (soil microorganisms).  The potato industry needs productive, healthy soils to remain competitive. Therefore, it is good to […]