How Soil Fumigation Works

Soil Is Injected
Volatizes Into Gas

Reduces Harmful Pathogens

Fumigant Decomposes
Crop Planting

Healthy Plants

A basic overview of how fumigation conditions the soil for planting and optimum plant health.

  1. Fumigants are injected as liquids into the soil to manage harmful insects, nematodes, weeds, bacteria, fungi, and diseases that have invaded a field.
  2. The fumigant volatizes into gas diffusing through the soil air space, emitting out from the points of injection.
  3. The treatment significantly reduces the harmful pathogens and rebalances the native beneficial soil microbe population, conditioning it for planting.
  4. The fumigant decomposes rapidly in the soil; and some fumigants, like Chloropicrin, actually biodegrade into plant nutrients.
  5. Crop planting takes place in the newly conditioned soil.
  6. Healthy plants are able to maximize their water and nutrient use and grow to full yield potential with no uptake of fumigant into the plant root or residue on the plant.


Watch our videos for more in depth information.


Strike is compatible with other fumigants

There is no other product that treats the spectrum of diseases that Strike does. Formulations can be applied with other fumigants or as a stand-alone. One pass and you are done – helping with residue management for erosion control, reduced application costs, lower pounds of active ingredient which can positively affect buffer zone allowances, a shorter plant back window, and broad spectrum efficacy. Studies have shown increases in yield and quality when Strike is dual applied with TELONE™ in cases of intense nematode pressure.

TELONE™ is a Trademark of the Dow Chemical Company (”Dow”) or an affiliated company of Dow, used under license. TELONE™ is a federally Restricted Use Pesticide. Always read and follow label directions.