I recently had the pleasure of authoring three articles for SpudSmart. I hope you enjoy them!

July: Managing the Good and the Bad of Soil Microorganisms

This write-up speaks to the productivity of land being linked to “agricultural ecosystems that are vibrantly alive with diverse and beneficial life.” I highlight our group’s soil biology research and how Strike is a selective soil fumigant that destroys pathogens while simultaneously fostering beneficial microbe populations allowing you to farm potatoes and not disease.

To read the full article, visit: Here

August: Sustainability = Environmental Stewardship, But Economic Success Too

“Sustainable production enhances soil health, protects water and air quality, uses renewable and non-renewable resources responsibly, and integrates nature’s own cycles. But… also considers financial realities.” In this article I explain how increasing yield per acre decreases the cost of production and how Strike is a solution for the sustainability issues potato growers face.

To read the full article, visit: Here

September: Tired Soils Aren’t an Inevitable, Unwinnable Battle

“Certain go-to tools, though proven in past generations, may need to be reconsidered.” Strike is a selective and true soil fumigant “actively moving through the soil profile suppressing soil-borne disease, and as an added benefit, promoting the growth of beneficial microbes.”

To read the full article, visit: Here